About my Blog

The best experience than I have been able to enjoy in my life is to cook. The kitchen is not a profession to which it is gone to obtain the resources necessary to survive, but the adorable temple where that loves this profession it gets to rest of the real world, where it submerges in that creative volume to obtain a smile and a gratefulness of which they wait for the best thing of us. To cook is an art, is the creativity personified in the personal taste of each chef, is the freedom to include in each prescription the most dissimilar ingredients and to obtain an incredible flavor…….



6 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast, Cooked And Cubed
2 Celery Sticks, Chopped
1 Onion, Chopped
2 Tablespoons Chicken Bouillon Granules
1 Can Cream Of Chicken Soup
10-12 Flour Tortillas
10 Cups Water

Cooking Directions:

Place chicken breast in water with celery and onion in a Very large kettle or soup pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook about 30 minutes until chicken is tender. Remove the chicken and set aside to cool down. Save broth in roasting pan. Add chicken bouillon to broth and taste to see if it needs any more bouillon or water. Add chicken soup to broth and bring to boil. Cut tortillas into small strips, add strips, one at a time to a briskly boiling broth mixture and stir constantly but gingerly not to tear the strips. When all strips are added pour in chicken and reduce heat to low simmer for 5-10 minutes. Stir gingerly to prevent sticking. Will be Very Thick